NECROTHEISM PROD proudly presents:
Special guest: THYSIA (it)

Details TBA
At 7 PM


Wayfarer (Century Media): drawing from the deep wells of black metal, gothic country, and americana to create a thunderous and uniquely American genre of metal all to their own, led by powerful riffing, bleak melodic sensibilities, and pointed songwriting, this record serves as a funeral for the American dream: caked in dust, and buried deep in blood and gunpowder.
FFO: Panopticon, Primordial, Wolves in the Throne Room, Agalloch

Dreadnought (Profound Lore Records): with their fifth full length “The Endless”, this American genre-defying avantgarde metal outfit present its most spellbinding musical feature yet, be it for the riveting vocal performances, the ferocious grooves, or the soaring synthesis in their melodic awe.
FFO: In the Woods…, Wayfarer, Hail Spirit Noir, Inter Arma

Thysia (Chaos Records): a newborn black metal entity featuring members of Messa, Assumption and Nox Interitus, devoted to the ancient flame of the genre while displaying taste and fine knowledge of darkness in music.
FFO: Varathron, Bathory, Samael, Darkthrone